Beloved as a new month breaks I want to welcome you to this Glorious Month of PARADIGM SHIFT!
When God wants to do a new thing He will do it in GRAND STYLE! Get ready for a divine re-branding of your destiny! A Paradigm Shift means :
A Fundamental dramatic significant change of condition, idea & status
Beloved i submit to you, May is your month to change your mental blueprint and position yourself to boldly move in tandem with God’s Spirit. “For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God”
As you set sail into unchartered waters please DO NOT PANIC!!! This Paradigm Shift requires audacious faith to conquer the unfamiliar, to Step outside of the box and to refuse to be contained!! God has your back. Fear not!
Peter needed to have Faith in order to step out and walk on the water. He needed to get out of the boat “safe, familiar place” and forget about what he “knew” and step out on faith.
Beloved this month it does not matter what people around you are saying…God is challenging you to STEP OUT IN FAITH from the “familiar” and “shift” your thinking.
God told Abram not only would he be a father, he would be a father of nations, and his name changed to Abraham.
Beloved Paradigm Shift will bring you a new identity IJN. No longer will you be barren or known by your history! I declare your situation is subject to change IJN. “Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?” Isaiah 43:19 I Decree & Declare this Paradigm Shift Month will cause:
- Excellence to OVERFLOW in all you put your heart and hands to.
- The blessings of the Lord will make you rich and add no sorrow.
- You will be blessed with knowledge of witty inventions and multiple streams of income ideas.
- You will grow in God’s divine favor and receive superior treatment wherever you go and whatever you do.
- You will receive favor so BIG; it will cancel out all the losses of the past!
- You will not miss any apportunity and you will accomplish your heart’s desires. You will receive special grace for this.
- You will walk through new doors of opportunity and new relationships. No obstacle can defeat you!
- Every bondage around your life will be shattered and your health will be restored
- You shall be like a watered garden, whose waters fail not.
- I speak an explosion of God’s goodness and favor. May God elevate you to a level higher than your expectations.
- Again I say as you set sail into unchartered waters please do not panic!!!
This PARADIGM SHIFT requires audacious faith to conquer the unfamiliar. God has your back. You will make it.
#UncharteredWaters #GodHasSpokenGood #IwillRememberYouinPrayer #DTM
A Warm & Blessed Welcome to 2024
As we join our faith and hearts together with yours, we invite you to join us herald in, Our Prophetic THEME & FOCUS for 2024 as DIVINE ADVANCEMENT.
Our Theme scripture is psalm 110 vs 1-2 Please Connect and Collect this word for your family too.
By Gods grace we have entered into a new season where Clouds of darkness from previous years have been lifted. The wind of Divine Advancements is blowing in our favour. Regardless of geographical location, 2024 is a season of power, a new season of glory, a new season of wealth, a new season of authority. No matter which part of the world you are reading this message from, 2024 is divinely orchestrated season of explosions in influence, in miracles, in signs and wonders, in nations, and in cities. God will explode us this year. (Jeremiah 30:19).
Beloved, hear me by the spirit of God. Our focus should be where we are going and not what is pursuing us as God will take care of that. So we must direct our energy and time to the goals ahead of us and think less of those distractions or issues pursuing us. As God took care of Pharaohs and his chariots pursuing the Israelites God will take care of whatever may be pursuing us.
Keeping our spiritual antenna is key because divine advancement comes with divine involvement, divine assurance, divine guidance, divine shield and divine direction. When God asks us to advance what He has prepared for us ahead is far bigger and precious than the position He advises us to advance from.
So there is no need for panicking mood as He is in control of everything and our advancement will definitely end in songs of thanksgiving and victory as was for the Israelites after heading His commandment of going forward. For those who sincerely thirst after righteousness God will raise us in power and ruling right there in the midst of our enemies (Psalms 110)
The lifting power of God will be abundant this year, ushering many God fearing individuals into the corridors of power where we will start moving communities in the direction of God’s purposes (Psalms 113:7-8). As the Lord of Hosts has spoken, you and I will intentionally divinely advance to be the agents of change in our Families / Our churches / Our communities / Our job spaces/ Our Business/ In 2024 we must intentionally divinely advance our pace and Godly wisdom to become individuals who can run with endurance and take over the systems of this world.
In 2024 God is raising family champions who will defend their blood line to walk in divine health, supernatural protection, victory over death, victory over sin and victory over poverty. (Isaiah 53:3-5, Psalms 91, Hebrews 2:14-15,Romans 6:14, 2 Corinthians 9:6-9, 1 John 5:4)
In 2024 we must intentionally divinely advance towards the Grace of God. This grace will announce us as winners before we have even begun the race. Grace is God completing before we have started. It is God declaring we are winners and conquerors way before the battle. It is God being always steps ahead of the enemy. Grace is God is at the end, yet introducing you at the beginning that you have already won! Selah!
In 2024 we must intentionally divinely advance and live in health and prosper even as our souls prosper. Jesus did not just give His life for us to go to Heaven one day, He gave His life so that we could enjoy an inheritance here on earth and live the blessed life!
In 2024 we must intentionally divinely advance towards everything that has already been given to us pertaining to life and godliness. Not by might, not by power but by my spirit saith the Lord, you will supernaturally advance this month.
I decree a positive turnaround in all your encounters this glorious 2024
Every good thing will answer to you.
God will make a way where you thought there was no way for you.
Multiple Doors of opportunities are opening for you.
The over taker’s anointing for divine advancement has located you.
Every cycle of unprofitable labor is broken.
The works of your hand will enjoy uncommon profiting.
Stagnation is cursed for your sake.
You will never be stranded; you will always know what to do.
Ideas for your supernatural advancement is released to you now.
Wisdom for your supernatural advancement is released to you.
Divine instructions for your Divine Advancement is released to you now.
Helpers of destiny will locate you.
Favor will shield you.
Your overdue blessings are released to you.
No more miscarriages in your life.
Your blessings will come to full-term.
And you shall reap your harvest.
Go and prosper (emotionally, relationally, spiritually, mentally, financially)
Go and encounter your breakthroughs.
Go and do exploits for Yahweh’s name sake.
Go and be in good health.
Go and wax strong.
Go and produce uncommon results.
I decree and declare 2024 will deal wondrously with you as you Divinely Advance is ALL AREAS of your life in Jesus mighty name.
You will WIN this year! Heaven is backing you up.
God Speed