Sign up for a dynamic one day intense mentorship and empowerment programme that focuses on nullifying the complacency to lead that has hindered many women from embracing leadership roles and birthing the promises of God in their lives.
The Leading With Grace Mentorship Programme is aimed at capacity building women to be graced to lead and spearhead a great leadership revival in their organisation, church, family & community. We believe God has planted a nurturing seed of greatness in every woman. This programme will awaken the Leader in you and empower you to champion the cause of the King and His Kingdom.

The programme has been designed to allow intervals for refreshments and a one hour lunch break. At the end of the programme, each delegate receives an attendance certificate which she can frame and be proud of! If you would like to book and host a “Leading with Grace Mentorship Programme” as an exclusive event in your church, business, school or home group please get in touch .
There is no group or ministry too small or too big that we won’t cater to.